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Slip, Trip and Fall Claims

No-win, No-fee claims

If you’ve been injured in a slip, trip and fall accident and you can prove that your accident was caused by a breach of duty of care, you may be able to claim.

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Slip, Trip and Fall Claims

100% No Win No Fee

If you've been injured in a slip, trip or fall accident, and you can prove that your accident was caused by a breach of duty of care, you may be able to make a fall compensation claim.

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One of the most common types of accidents and causes of injuries are slips, trips and falls. In some situations, you may have fallen through no fault of your own. If this is the case, you could be entitled to compensation, and to help you understand your legal rights, we put together this guide to slip, trip or fall claims.

As well as finding advice on what to do after an accident and how much compensation you could receive, we also explain how our specialist team here at No Win No Fee Solicitors Co can help you.

If you’d like to check your eligibility to claim compensation for a slip and trip claim, then call us for free on the number at the top of this page. You can also speak with us now via our live chat.


What Is A Slip, Trip And Fall Claim?

A slip, trip and fall claim is a type of civil legal action you can take for compensation if you’ve suffered an injury after falling over and you believe it was because of someone else’s negligence.

As we explore below, slips, trips and falls can happen in a range of settings, from restaurants and bars to high streets, workplaces and supermarkets. They can also result in all manner of injuries, from serious brain damage to twisted ankles and broken bones. Making slips, trips and falls claims is even easier when you work with our experts, but let’s understand what can cause a slip, trip or fall and how prevalent they are to see whether you might have a claim.

Are Slips, Trips And Falls Common?

Slips, trips and falls are some of the most common types of accidents.

In workplaces, they account for around 32% of all accidents (according to HSE statistics from 2023). In total in 2023, there were 561,000 injuries at work reported, which would mean there were around 179,520 injuries due to slips, trips and falls.

This figure is significant, and what makes it worse is that in many cases, trip and fall accidents are preventable. Let’s take a more detailed look at the causes.

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What Are The Causes Of Slips, Trips And Falls?

Slips, trips and falls can happen in a range of different ways. However, as a specialist firm of solicitors in this area of personal injury law, we see some causes crop up more than others. Here’s a breakdown:

  • Spillages
  • Trailing leads
  • Potholes
  • Raised kerbs
  • Broken manhole covers
  • Broken handrails on stairways
  • Poor or inadequate lighting
  • Uneven flooring
  • Upturned carpets and rugs
  • Untreated ice and snow
  • Unexpected steps that have not been marked


This is by no means an exhaustive list—we see different causes of slips, trips and falls all the time. But these are some of the most common which could lead to falls compensation claims when an accident occurred as a result of someone else’s negligence.

The Eligibility Criteria To Claim For A Fall

Slip, trip and fall compensation claims fall under personal injury law. In order to be eligible to make a claim, it’s necessary to meet the criteria. These criteria are based on establishing negligence in your case.

The first thing you need to prove is that you were owed a duty of care by the organisation you believe was responsible for the accident. Generally, if you’re in a public space then the organisation, business, or person responsible for the upkeep, safety and maintenance of that space owes you a duty of care to ensure you’re safe in their space.

Next, you must show that they breached their duty of care. In other words, they caused the accident to happen.

You must also show that the accident caused or contributed to the development of your injury. So if you suffer from back problems and slipped and fell at work, you could claim compensation for any worsening of your condition.

Finally, you must also take legal action within the personal injury claims time limit. This is 3 years from the date of the accident. If you don’t take action before this time, you could be prevented from claiming compensation altogether.

The exception to this time limit applies to children (under 18). As they cannot represent themselves until they become an adult, the time limit does not apply until they turn 18. They then have until their 21st birthday to issue court proceedings. You can claim on their behalf, however, as a parent, trusted family member or legal guardian. You would need to be appointed a litigation friend, which is something we can help with.

If you’d like a free eligibility check, call us for free on the number at the top of this page.

Can I Claim For A Fall At Work?

As mentioned above, slips, trips and falls are the most common type of accidents at work. They can lead to lots of different injuries which can range in severity from minor bumps and cuts to life-changing ones, and in some cases, death.

To claim for a fall at work, it’s necessary to show that your employer breached the duty of care they owe you under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974. When it comes to preventing falls at work, employers should:

  • Conduct regular risk assessments to identify any potential trip hazards
  • Train staff on the risks and hazards associated with slips, trips and falls. Education is often one of the best methods of prevention
  • Ensuring there is a good system of cleaning so there are no cluttered walkways
  • Making prompt repairs when necessary to the likes of lighting on stairwells or in dark car parks
  • Mopping up any spillages and ensuring there is proper signage available to warn people of the risks
  • Inspecting equipment to ensure it’s in good working order. This is especially important for those who work at a height, such as roofers, scaffolders and tree surgeons.


So if you’ve suffered an injury at work in a fall and believe one of the points above was the cause, you could be entitled to compensation. You can get in touch with us for free today to get an eligibility check, or you can head here to read more on accident at work claims.

Can I Claim Compensation If I Fell In A Shop?

Shops and supermarkets are often visited by hundreds of people a day. If those shops aren’t kept in good order, there’s a chance that hazards can develop and customers can get hurt.

For example, in a busy supermarket, someone could drop an egg. If staff do not clean it up after being notified or if they fail to highlight the risk with signage, then a customer could slip and fall and seriously hurt themselves.

All shops and supermarkets have a duty of care under the Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957 to reduce the risk of harm as much as it’s possible for them to do so.

So if a shop fails to carry out regular housekeeping inspections of its aisles, toilets and car parks, for example, they could leave hazards to develop and people may get injured.

If you’ve suffered an injury in a shop and want to make a compensation claim, we can help. Our No Win No Fee solicitors specialise in public liability claims like this and can offer you their expert help. Call us today for a free case check and to get the process started.

Could I Claim If I Fell On The Street?

Another common location where people trip and fall is on the street. This could be a quiet side road or avenue, or it could be on a busy high street.

In many cases, the local council is responsible for highways and pavements. For drains and manholes, the responsibility may lie with someone else, like the gas board or a local water company. To help identify who could be responsible, it’s important to take lots of pictures of the scene and cause. We explain more on this further below.

There are lots of causes of accidents on the street, such as potholes, raised kerbs, broken manholes and drains, and protruding tree roots. Local authorities must conduct regular inspections of their areas to identify any hazards, and then should make repairs. They must also respond to reports from the public about potential risks and dangers.

If they conduct these inspections and fail to make repairs or identify clear dangers, they could be liable in a compensation claim.

If you’d like help claiming against the council for a fall, you’re in the right place. All you need to do is get in touch with us via our live chat or free helpline.


What Does The Slip And Fall Claim Process Involve?

It can be difficult to navigate the legal process without the help of a trained professional. There is a lot of jargon and complex principles and procedures to follow, but with No Win No Fee solicitors such as ourselves on your side, the claim process can be smoother.

This is what’s generally involved when you make a personal injury claim:

  1. First, your solicitor will review the facts and evidence in your case. They’ll then prepare the allegations of negligence to put to the defendant.
  2. With the defendant notified of the claim, it’s their turn to investigate. They can respond with requests for further information, or they may accept fault for what happened.
  3. Your solicitor will also arrange for you to be examined by a medical expert. This expert will produce a report that will detail the injuries suffered, their severity, and the future impact. Your solicitor can use this report to both prove that the accident caused or contributed to your injuries and to calculate their value.
  4. The medical report is sent to the defendant. Oftentimes, claims are settled at this stage.
  5. If the defendant chooses not to settle or disputes liability, the claim could proceed further. In some cases, a trial may be required to determine the outcome, though this is rare.


If you have any questions about the slip and fall claim process or if you’d like to check your eligibility to make a claim, get in touch with us for free today.

How Much Compensation Could I Receive For A Fall?

When it comes to calculating the compensation payout in your slip, trip and fall claim, it’s possible to account for both the physical and mental impact and the financial cost to you as well.

We consider the financial side below, but as for the physical side of the injuries, people often ask us if there is an average payout in slip and trip claims. Unfortunately, the answer isn’t that easy—each case is unique and injuries impact people in different ways. So to ensure fairness, each claim is valued individually and slip and fall compensation amounts vary in order to better reflect the injury and impact on the individual.

It is possible, however, to get an idea of how much compensation you could receive for different injuries. Here are some examples:

  • For a back injury that leads to permanent damage through spinal cord injuries and nerve roots, you could receive between £111,150 and £196,450
  • For a shoulder injury, such as a serious dislocation with ongoing issues, you could receive between £15,580 and £23,430
  • In cases involving hip injuries which may leave you needing a replacement, you could receive between £47,810 and £64,070
  • For psychiatric damage stemming from the accident that has a negative impact on your day-to-day life, with a poor outlook of recovery, you could get between £66,920 and £141,240
  • For severe knee injuries that leave you in permanent pain with hindered mobility, you could get between £63,610 and £85,100


These figures come from the guidelines of the Judicial College (17th edition), a document used by solicitors to help value injuries. Remember, each case is unique so these serve as guideline payouts only.

If you’d like us to value your case for free, get in touch at the number above. You can also try using our free compensation calculator tool below.

Compensation Bracket: 0.00

Can I Claim Back The Money I Lost Because Of The Fall?

We mentioned that it’s also possible to claim back financial losses stemming from the accident. In many cases, the biggest expense is lost earnings for having to take time off work to recover.

When you make a slip, trip and fall claim, you can calculate how much money you would have earned but for the injury and receive the difference in compensation. You can also claim back the cost of any missed bonuses.

In more severe cases where the injury changes your life to the extent you cannot return to work, you can also claim future loss of earnings, which is the money you would have made had you still been able to work.

As well as lost earnings, you can also claim back the cost of the likes of prescriptions, medication and private medical treatment incurred because of the injury.

How No Win No Fee Solicitors Co Can Help You

If you’ve suffered an injury in a slip and fall accident, you may want to claim compensation. If so, it’s important to secure the best legal representation possible. This way you can get the justice and compensation you’re entitled to.

At No Win No Fee Solicitors Co, we place our clients at the heart of service and strive to get the results they deserve.

As our name suggests, we operate on a No Win No Fee basis. This is a conditional fee agreement which means that if your case doesn’t succeed we won’t charge you a fee. It also means that we won’t charge you a fee upfront or while the case progresses. The only time that you pay a fee is if your claim ends in you receiving compensation. The fee is a small percentage of the compensation you receive, which you agree before the case begins.

To take advantage of our free case check, call us for free today or write to us here and we’ll call you back at a time that suits you best. Working with personal injury experts on a no win no fee agreement is an excellent way to claim trip or fall compensation following an accident that was someone else’s fault.

Frequently asked questions

Below we’ll answer common questions regarding slip, trip and fall claims

The success of any claim comes down to the evidence that you can present to the defendant. This evidence should convince them of the strength of your case and encourage them to settle the claim.

With this in mind, it’s important to gather as much evidence as you can to support your slip, trip and fall claim. Some of the best ways to prove your case include:

  • CCTV footage – If video footage can be obtained that shows what happened, this could prove invaluable to your case. Not only does it prove your version of events, it could identify the potential cause.
  • Photographs – Another way that you can try and prove the cause of the accident is with photographs. Taking pictures of a pothole or a spillage can help establish what happened, which can then help identify who was at fault.
  • Witnesses – Getting help from someone who saw the accident happen and the cause of the accident can also prove invaluable to your claim. For example, if a colleague knew that you’d reported a fault with the scaffolding you use at work, they could support your case if you go on to suffer an injury in a fall.
  • Accident reports – Whenever a trip and fall accident happens it should be reported to whoever is responsible on-site at the time, such as a manager. On the street, this could be different, however. You may need to report the accident separately to the council.


As well as proving that someone else was to blame for the accident, it’s also important to keep a record of the impact the injury has had on you. For example, if you’ve had to spend money out of your own pocket for painkillers or at-home help from carers, you can claim all of this back as long as you have evidence, such as receipts and invoices.

Yes, if you’re able to, you should report a trip and fall accident. If this happens at work, you should report it to your supervisor. If it happens in a shop, report it to the store manager. If it happens on the street, you can report it to the local council. Reporting an accident is important; it could stop other people from getting hurt and it also creates a record of your accident, which helps when it comes to claiming compensation.
As a general rule, a pothole needs to have a minimum depth of 40mm (or 4cm) in order to make a compensation claim. You can use a measuring tape or ruler and take a picture of the pothole with the tape next to it to show the depth.