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No Win No Fee Leg Injury Claim

No-win, No-fee claims

If you’ve been injured in an accident that occurred because someone who had a duty of care towards you breached this duty, you may be able to claim compensation for your suffering.

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No Win No Fee Leg Injury Claim

100% No Win No Fee

If your leg has been injured in an accident that wasn’t your fault, you could make a leg injury compensation claim today. From minor to severe leg injuries, we can help you get the justice and payout you deserve

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Being injured in an accident that wasn’t your fault can be a traumatic experience for anybody – regardless of the nature of your leg injuries. Of course, your trauma only increases the more severe injuries you suffer from, but nobody’s experience of being injured due to somebody else’s negligence should be belittled.

How much compensation you’re entitled to will be decided based on the severity and types of leg injuries you suffered from, as well as the financial losses incurred as a result of that injury.

Contact No Win No Fee Solicitors Co and you can start your claim for free today. You’ll only pay for our legal support if your claim is successful and results in compensation, at which point we’ll take a pre-agreed % fee from your compensation and you’ll enjoy the rest! That means no financial risk to you, so check if you can make a claim for your leg injury today.

Doctor applies bandage to patient with knee injury

What Is A Leg Injury Claim?

Leg injury claims come under personal injury law and are a way for you to claim leg injury compensation after being injured in an accident that wasn’t your fault. When you make a personal injury claim of this nature you make a claim against the party responsible for your injury. This compensation will usually be paid by the defendant’s insurance company.

It’s possible to make a claim for broken leg injuries, a knee injury, or even an ankle injury. The point is, if your leg has been injured in any way during an accident, you can make a claim for compensation.

Work with our team of solicitors and start a claim on a no win no fee basis today. Our personal injury lawyers have handled 1000s of personal injury claims and can help get you the maximum leg injury compensation amount for your injury.

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Free Consultation

We offer a free consultation to anyone looking to make a claim

No win, no fee

If your case or cases have no financial payout to you, you don’t pay a single penny

Claim experts

We use solicitors who have handled thousands of claims

A family gathered around a laptop, discussing personal injury claims.

Common Causes Of Leg Injuries (And Can You Make A Claim?)

A leg injury can occur in a variety of different ways but some of the most common causes include:

  • slips, trips, and falls
  • road traffic accident
  • workplace accidents


All of these causes have led to claimants just like you making a leg injury claim in the past with us and have successfully received compensation.

Let’s explore those causes in greater depth below.

Slips, Trips, And Falls

A slip, trip, or fall can take place in a variety of settings, from high streets and shopping centres to restaurants and supermarkets. But what turns a trip into a claim? People fall over each day and it doesn’t turn into legal action. The main difference here is if the slip, trip, or fall was a result of someone else being negligent in their duty of care towards you.

For example:

  • slipping on spilt liquid in a supermarket that wasn’t cleaned up in time or properly marked as a hazard
  • tripping over loose cables in your office
  • falling over a raised kerb on a high street that wasn’t obviously marked


Whatever the case, if you had an accident because those in charge of the public space were negligent in keeping that area safe for use, then you could have a claim.

Road Traffic Accidents

Another key way in which legs can be injured is during a road traffic accident. Sometimes it can be your fault, sometimes another road user’s, and sometimes somewhere in the middle.

If you have a road traffic accident that wasn’t entirely your fault, you can still make a claim even if you were partially responsible. You’ll simply receive reduced compensation as a result.

Common causes of leg injuries in road traffic accidents include:

  • drivers pulling into your path without checking, causing a collision
  • pedestrians appearing from behind parked cars, leading to evasive action and an accident
  • other drivers failing to stop, crashing into the back of you and causing leg injuries
  • being knocked off your bicycle by a car that didn’t give you enough space when passing

Injuries At Work

Workplace accidents can be a serious cause of leg injuries, depending on the industry you work in. For example, if you work at height, in the construction industry, or in a manufacturing plant with dangerous machinery, you could find yourself facing a serious leg injury that could have lasting impacts on your life.

Of course, even minor injuries such as sprains and strains can be caused from falling in the workplace due to your employer’s negligence. Some examples of accidents at work caused by other people include:

  • falling down stairs due to a broken handrail
  • failure to provide proper personal protective equipment (PPE) leading to a leg injury
  • improper training on a machine, causing an accident


If you have an accident at work caused by someone else failing to ensure you’re safe, then you might have a leg injury compensation claim. Check with us for free today.

Leg Injury Claim Calculator

If your leg has been injured in an accident that wasn’t your fault, you could make a leg injury compensation claim today.

Compensation Bracket: 0.00

Am I Eligible To Make A Claim For My Leg Injuries?

You can make a claim for leg injury compensation if the following is true:

  • your leg injury occurred in the past 3 years
  • the responsible party owed you a duty of care
  • you can prove that they breached that duty of care
  • and that the breach caused the accident and your subsequent leg injury


Proving the first one is easy enough, but the others require a little more exploration.

Duty Of Care Evidence

Proving that the responsible party owed you a duty of care is easy enough if you were injured in a public space, on the road, or at work and the cause was somebody else being negligent.

Under English law you’re owed a duty of care in the following scenarios:

Proof Of Breach

Once you’re able to prove that you were owed a duty of care you’ll next need to prove that that duty of care was breached.

For example, if you were injured in a supermarket following a fall in the milk aisle due to a mess that wasn’t cleaned up or properly sectioned off as a slip hazard, clearly the owner of that supermarket is responsible for not having more regular maintenance and cleaning checks or properly training staff in the use of slip signs.

But you would need to prove a breach of duty, regardless of the circumstances or location of your accident, with relevant evidence, such as:

  • photographs showing the scene before and after the accident
  • video footage showing how the accident happened
  • witness statements from those who saw the accident
  • police reports (usually following road traffic accidents)
  • accident report book for public spaces and workplaces


The more evidence you have the easier you’ll make proving your claim and the higher chance you’ll have of a successful resolution with compensation awarded.

Medical Support For Injuries

Next you’ll need your medical records to prove that you sustained injuries as a result of the accident. Medical experts will be able to look at your injury and know the likely cause of it and so will be able to support your claim.

This is probably the most crucial part of the claims process because the medical assessment will be able to explain the type and severity of the injury – this is crucial in valuing your claim to ensure you get an appropriate amount of compensation.

What Types Of Leg Injuries Can I Claim For?

You can claim for any leg injury you’ve suffered as a result of an accident that wasn’t your fault, but our table below shows some of the main types of leg injuries we see when claimants seek compensation through our expert team:

Soft Tissue Injuries

A soft tissue leg injury covers everything from bruises to sprains and strains. A more serious soft tissue injury, like tendonitis, could also be caused by an injury and will likely be long lasting. Varying leg injury compensation is available depending on severity.

Leg Amputation

Leg amputation claims are incredibly serious. Whether it affects one leg or both, the whole leg or just the lower leg will all impact the compensation you could receive. The significant pain you will have felt, and may continue to feel, will be considered when assessing your claim.

Broken Leg Injuries

Broken leg compensation can be significant depending on the nature of the break. If you have multiple leg fractures and require more complex surgeries to put that right, you’ll receive a higher compensation amount than a simple, cleaner broken leg injury.

Ankle Injury

Ankle injury claims can be substantial if your ankle injuries are more serious and impact upon your ability to go about your daily life – especially if you sustain a foot injury too. The more impact an ankle injury has on your life, the higher the compensation award is likely to be to reflect this.

Knee Injury

Knee injuries can also have a significant impact on your life, with more serious injuries potentially threatening your ability to move around comfortably for years to come. Knee injury claims will be assessed to determine how much compensation you should receive.


Claims for leg injuries involving lacerations will see various compensation amounts depending on how many lacerations there were, how deep those lacerations went, if there were any further complications, and how quickly you were able to heal from the injury.


Again burns can be a severe injury and may take some time to recover from. This will be considered when assessing the value of your claim. The % of your leg that has been burned will also be considered to reflect the seriousness of the leg injury sustained.


Some leg injuries can affect the spinal cord and lead to paralysis, which could be short lived or last for the rest of your life. This is a severe leg injury claim and makes claiming compensation essential to ensure you are properly supported.

The above table shows just some of the main leg injury types – if you’ve been injured in another way in an accident that wasn’t your fault, you may still have a claim. How much you can receive in compensation will vary, of course…

Frequently Asked Questions

Below we’ll answer common questions regarding personal injury claims for leg injuries.

The following is an example of how submitting a claim with us usually works:

  • personal injury claim check – completely free
  • no win no fee terms reviewed
  • if you agree to the % fee, we’ll make the defendant aware of the claim against them
  • they then have the time to review and dispute the case or accept liability
  • medical evidence to support your claim will be gathered
  • negotiations will start and a settlement will be offered if they accept liability
  • if no settlement is reached, the case will be heard in court

If the defendant accepts liability for the accident that caused your leg injury, then the claim could be settled anywhere from a couple of weeks to a month or two.

The real waiting game begins when the defendant disputes the case against them, refuses to enter negotiations for a settlement, and forces the claim to go to court. When this happens, you’ll need to wait for the courts to be able to hear the case which could take anything from a couple of months to a couple of years.

If you are put in a position where you have to wait for your claim to be heard, our claim experts will ensure you’re kept up to date every step of the way as we handle the whole process for you.

It can be a confusing and stressful time following an accident that you weren’t responsible for and getting your head around it can take some time.

However, under UK personal injury law you only have 3 years to decide if you want to make a claim following an accident that wasn’t your fault. If you go over this threshold, then you’ll usually be unable to make a claim.

There are exceptions here, such as if you were placed in a coma after the accident and were unaware of the injuries you sustained, and if you’re under 18…

No, you can’t make a claim whilst under 18. Instead, most people will choose to wait until they turn 18, at which point you’ll have 3 years to make your claim. This means the new deadline will be your 21st birthday, regardless of when you were injured before your 18th birthday.

If you really want to start your claim before this time then you can, but only by using a litigation friend. A litigation friend is a close family member who is over the age of 18 who you nominate to represent your best interests in court.

Speak to our experts today if you’re considering acting as a litigation friend on behalf of your child who was injured in an accident.

Yes, you can still make a claim if you were partially responsible for the accident. Part of the negotiation between the two parties will then be about attributing liability. This is much easier if you agree it was 50/50 but more nuanced cases will also be negotiated here.

In cases such as these you’ll just receive reduced compensation for your claim based on the liability split – e.g. 50% of the compensation amount if you were equally responsible for the accident and injuries.

The compensation you will receive is based entirely on the circumstances of your injury – the type of injury sustained, the severity of that injury, and any financial losses you’ve incurred as a result of that injury. That means it’s unique to each case, so there isn’t a compensation average you can expect.

Work with our team of personal injury solicitors at No Win No Fee Solicitors Co today and we’ll be able to guide you through the claims process and get the maximum compensation possible for your injuries.

How Is Compensation Calculated For Leg Injuries?

In leg injury compensation claims compensation is determined based on two key factors:

  • general damages
  • special damages


We’ll explore both and how they ultimately affect your total compensation amount below.

General Damages For Leg Injuries

General damages are awarded in compensation claims based on the type of injury you suffered (in this case, a leg injury) and the severity of that injury.

Two people can suffer a broken leg, but the severity of that broken leg must also be taken into account when awarding damages. To help keep things consistent, personal injury lawyers and judges use the Judicial College Guidelines (17th edition) to determine which compensation bracket they should consider.

To give you a better idea of the compensation brackets, here is a summary of the general guidance found within the Judicial College Guidelines:

  • amputation injuries: £119,570 to £344,150
  • severe leg injuries: £33,880 to £165,860
  • less serious leg injuries: £2,990 to £33,880
  • knee injuries: £2,750 to £117,410
  • ankle injuries: £6,710 to £85,070

Special Damages For Leg Injuries

Special damages relate to any financial losses you’ve experienced as a result of the accident and injuries you’ve suffered. You can claim for a range of financial losses depending on how your injuries have affected your life:

  • repair/replacement cost of vehicles if you were injured in a road traffic collision
  • lost earnings
  • travel costs to doctor’s appointments etc
  • future lost earnings if you are unable to return to work


Special damages are considered in isolation from your general damages. Essentially, it’s the job of general damages compensation to recognise the type and severity of the leg injury you’ve suffered from, and it’s the job of special damages compensation to restore you to the financial position you were in, or would have been in, had the accident never happened in the first place.

Absolutely! Our expert No Win No Fee Solicitors are on hand to help assess your claim today – and if you’re not eligible to make a claim, then there’s no harm done. It’s completely free to check and if you don’t have a claim then it doesn’t matter.

If we think you do have a claim, however, we’ll explain how our fee works should your claim be successful and you’re awarded compensation. Then, if you agree to the terms, we’ll take your case and you won’t have to pay a penny for our legal costs until you win your claim. If you lose, you still pay us nothing!

If you think you might have a personal injury claim for a leg injury, then contact our team today.