No Win No Fee Personal Injury Claims
No-win, No-fee claims
If you’ve been injured in an accident that occurred because someone who had a duty of care towards you breached this duty, you may be able to claim compensation for your suffering.
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No Win No Fee Car Accident Claim
100% No Win No Fee
If another motorist or road user behaves in a way that contravenes the Road Traffic Act or the Highway Code resulting in an injury to you, you may be able to make a personal injury claim against them if their action or omission could be considered negligent.
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Car Accident Claims
Road traffic accidents are unfortunately far too common. They can be frightening and traumatic experiences with injuries suffered that sometimes may be life-changing as well as causing psychological and emotional trauma.
There may also be damage to your car and this could be a situation in which you are completely blameless. However, starting personal injury claims can seem daunting and the prospect of court proceedings is intimidating, particularly after a car accident when you are trying to recover.
If you want to start the claims process and make a road traffic accident compensation claim then this guide will inform you about what’s involved, how you can make a no win no fee car accident claim so you avoid legal fees, and the importance of using experienced personal injury solicitors.
Find out how car accident compensation works and how much compensation you can claim for the injuries suffered and damage to or loss of your property.
No Win No Fee Solicitors Co is an experienced law firm and experts in road traffic accident claims. We advise on your car accident compensation claim and represent motorists, motorcyclists, cyclists and pedestrians.
Talk to us now about how to start a compensation claim. Our advice is free so there is no financial risk to you with upfront costs, and you won’t pay legal fees unless your car accident compensation claim is successful.
What Is A Car Accident Claim?
Road traffic accidents can give rise to a personal injury claim which is a claim based in English civil law. There are lots of ways to suffer injuries in connection with using the roads and if this has happened to you, then you may be able to claim compensation.
To be successful, a car accident compensation claim must be based on the negligence or fault of a third party (so not you, the claimant), who’s act or failure to act led to damage to property and/or injury to an innocent party.
If you start the process to claim compensation and are successful, then any payments are usually covered by the other party’s insurance policy. Most no win no fee personal injury claims are covered by the responsible party’s insurance company, meaning no financial burden is placed on them either.

Are Road Traffic Accidents Common?
Despite cars having more safety features than ever, a car accident or road traffic incident is still one of the most common causes of injuries in the UK outside the workplace.
Statistics from the Department of Transport report 29,742 people killed or seriously injured on the UK’s roads in 2022, actually a decrease of 3% compared to the figures in 2019. Of course, the more we use our cars, the statistically higher the chance of being involved in a collision.
We often think of a car accident as something serious and they can be. However, even a minor incident can cause mental and physical injuries that can potentially far outweigh the damage to a vehicle.
Compensation claims come in many different forms which is why it’s important you speak to expert no win no fee personal injury solicitors like us if you have had a car accident. Personal injury claims can be complex and specialist, and are usually the last thing you want to tackle after a car crash.
Why use us?
Free Consultation
We offer a free consultation to anyone looking to make a claim
No win, no fee
Claim experts
We use solicitors who have handled thousands of claims

What Causes Road Traffic Accidents?
The roads are used by people, and human beings all make simple errors of judgement from time to time. An accident could be caused by misjudging another driver’s speed or a momentary lapse of attention on the road caused by a distraction.
Accidents are also caused by motorists who decide to behave dangerously; this might be speeding, driving recklessly based on the road conditions and environment or ignoring road signage.
Unfortunately, alcohol and drugs also play a part in road accident claims as does using a mobile phone which is why there are strict laws and penalties in place for drivers who do this.
How Does The Claims Process Work?
A no win no fee car accident claim starts with a no win no fee agreement so you can rest assured that there won’t be any legal costs unless the personal injury claim for your car accident is successful. It’s important to use no win no fee solicitors like us.
These types of fee agreements are common in personal injury work and there are no hidden charges. If your claim succeeds then your solicitor will take a percentage of the compensation as part of their fee arrangement.
A no win no fee solicitor will begin your claim by establishing all the facts and how the accident happened.
All road users have a duty of care to try and protect others under the Road Traffic Act 1988. Consequently, a duty of care is already presumed between you and a third party who caused a road accident or incident in which you suffered injuries.
You will need to provide evidence about the accident and this can include:-
- Witness statements and witness contact details
- CCTV footage from adjacent buildings
- Police reports if they attended the accident
- Dash cam footage from your vehicle or others nearby
- Photos of the accident scene and of any damage to your vehicle
Next, your solicitor will need to assess your injuries and the impact they have had on your life. This might require a report from an independent medical expert which your solicitor will arrange.
The next stage in the process is for no win no fee solicitors to work out how much compensation they can claim on your behalf. This figure will take into account things like: –
- Your injuries including pain and suffering
- The cost of medical treatment, any complementary therapies or rehabilitation
- Travel costs to and from appointments relating to the car crash
- The cost of any additional equipment required on a short or long-term basis like a different type of car, a wheelchair or other mobility aids
- Lost income which may be temporary because you are off work and claiming statutory sick pay or permanent because you can no longer do the same job
- Home adaptations
- Damage to your vehicle and any personal possessions
This calculation takes into account costs and financial losses that have already happened because of the accident and anticipates costs and loss of income in the future. You will need to provide documentary evidence such as travel receipts, invoices from medical professionals and payslips to demonstrate loss of earnings.
Sometimes, there can be some back and forth negotiation between your solicitor and the legal representative for the respondent (the person you are claiming against) before a final settlement is reached. If you can’t agree, then the case will go to court.
If the majority of your accident claim is agreed or settled and there is only negotiation over a small percentage, then you may be entitled to interim payments. These are partial compensation amounts ahead of the final award and they can help in the short term with extra costs and lost earnings. These are usually paid by the respondent’s insurance company.

How Much Compensation Could I Be Entitled To?
The legal profession refers to something called the Judicial College Guidelines (known as ‘the guidelines’) to work out how much compensation you may claim for your injuries. Here are some examples.
- A seriously damaged shoulder could mean you receive an award between £23,430 and £58,610
- Injuries involving permanent paralysis receive some of the highest compensation sums. Tetraplegia also known as Quadriplegia means you could receive an award of between £396,140 and £493,000
- A moderate neck injury will result in an award of between £30,500 and £46,970
- Compensation payouts don’t just cover physical injuries sustained in a road traffic accident. Moderate Post Traumatic Stress Disorder could mean an award of between £9,980 and £28,250
Your solicitor will take a percentage of the compensation award as part of the no win no fee agreement to cover their costs and this will all be explained to you at the start of the claim process so there are no hidden charges.

What Are Special Damages?
The main compensation payout deals with physical and mental/psychological injuries: special damages covers everything else.
In a no win no fee claim, you may be entitled to compensation for lost income if you cannot work. Some employers have a sick pay scheme which pays all or most of your salary for several weeks. However, if your employer doesn’t offer this then you’ll be reliant on Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) which means you could be seriously out of pocket.
It is likely that your car has been damaged and may need repair or replacement. The compensation is designed to put you back into the position you were in before the accident. Motor repairs are expensive so sometimes even cars that are only a couple of years old may end up being replaced with a new vehicle.
If you need medical treatment and appointments like physiotherapy then the cost of these can also form part of the special damages element of your compensation. If you haven’t been able to drive then you can claim the cost of public transport or taxis but you will need to evidence this with the relevant receipts.
How No Win No Fee Claims Work
Compensation Bracket: 0.00
The fee basis for your compensation claim is described as a no win no fee arrangement. The no win no fee basis means that you won’t pay any legal costs upfront in order to start the claims process so there is absolutely no financial risk to you.
If you claim compensation and win, then you will pay a small percentage of the compensation awarded to your personal injury lawyers; this is sometimes called a success fee.
How No Win No Fee Solicitors Co Can Help You Claim Compensation
If you wish to make a road traffic accident compensation claim, then working with an experienced no win no fee solicitor who understand this type of work is essential. Here at No Win No Fee Solicitors Co, our team are experts in accident claims. They understand the process and how to get the best results for their clients every time.
As our name suggests, we operate on a No Win No, Fee basis. Our fee agreements are set up to ensure you pay nothing to start or progress the claim. Accident claims which aren’t successful and don’t result in a compensation payout still mean you won’t pay us any termination fees. Claiming compensation couldn’t be easier!
The way a no win no fee arrangement works is that you only pay a fee if you get a payout; this will be a small percentage taken from the compensation you receive, so you can enjoy access to expert no win no fee lawyers with absolutely no risk of expensive legal charges. There are no hidden costs. It also means we can extend our professional services to all those involved in car accidents who can’t pay for a solicitor up front.
If you’d like to check if you’re eligible for no win no fee compensation for a car accident, call us on the number above, write to us here, or message us now via our live chat box. We’re always happy to help.